Math Pathways

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Math Pathways

What Math Class(es) Do I Need?

Your math pathway is determined by your placement level and your major. Please note, some majors require math courses from more than one pathway. To view your placement level, log into eServices, then select Courses & Registration, and then Course Placement.

For questions related to course placement, contact your academic advisor.

Contact Advisor

  • Math Placement Level

    Level 1

    MATH 0080
    Principles of Mathematics
    Continue to Level 2

    Level 2 or Level 3

    MATH 1100 + MATH 0011
    Mathematics for Liberal Arts + Corequisite
    (5 Credits)
    MATH 1100 requirement satisfied after successful completion of MATH 1100 + MATH 0011

    Level 4

    MATH 1100
    Mathematics for Liberal Arts
    (3 Credits)

    Contact your academic advisor upon completion to see if additional math courses are needed for your major.

    Contact Advisor

  • Math Placement Level

    Level 1

    MATH 0080
    Principles of Mathematics
    Continue to Level 2

    Level 2

    MATH 1114 + MATH 0140
    Introduction to Statistics + Corequisite
    (6 Credits)
    MATH 1114 requirement satisfied after successful completion of MATH 1114 + MATH 1040

    Level 3 or Level 4

    MATH 1114
    Introduction to Statistics
    (4 Credits) 

    Contact your academic advisor upon completion to see if additional math courses are needed for your major.

    Contact Advisor

  • Math Placement Level

    Level 1

    MATH 0080
    Principles of Mathematics
    Continue to Level 2

    Level 2 or Level 3 or Level 4

    MATH 0240
    Mathematical Concepts with Elementary Algebra
    (5 Credits)
    Continue to Level 5

    Level 5

    MATH 1200 + MATH 0120
    College Algebra + Corequisite
    (6 Credits)
    MATH 1200 requirement satisfied after successful completion of MATH 1200 + MATH 0120

    Level 6

    MATH 1200
    College Algebra
    (3 Credits)

    Level 7+


    Contact your academic advisor upon completion to see if additional math courses are needed for your major.

    Contact Advisor


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